Wednesday, June 11, 2008

6732 Words And Counting...

        Tomorrow it will be one week since arriving here at Montana Artist's Refuge. I just tabulated my production thus far (don't worry I didn't count them manually, MacJournal keeps track) and I came up with 6732 words between my blog entries, memoir project, and poetry. To some reading this that may seem like a lot, to others not that much. It's difficult to quantify creativity in terms of word counts but I'll say this much: I'm doing good but I could be doing better. Procrastination is a tough nut to crack and I feel that I've spent too much time avoiding writing so far. The good thing is one can only procrastinate so much in the middle of a June snowstorm like we got here today (I woke up to 2-3 inches on the ground and it continued snowing and blowing all day). That being said, I feel like I've settled into a writing groove these past couple of days and feel optimistic about what I'm going to accomplish here. My goal for next week by June 18 is an additional 13464 words, which is double my current word count.

        Now a word from my sponsor Owyhee® Idaho Spud: "The Candy Bar That Makes Idaho Famous":
                        *BEGIN CORNY MUSIC*
                                If you want a candy bar that's not a dud,
                                Reach for an Owyhee Idaho Spud,
                                Rich chocolatey-coconut shell,
                                Surrounds our mystery gooey gel,
                                So if you want a treat for not a lot of dough,
                                Grab the only candy bar shaped like a potato,
                                Owww-yyy-heeee! Idaho Spud!
                                "The Candy Bar That Makes Idaho Famous."
                        *END CORNY MUSIC*

        Now a word of advice from me: if you are ever in the tiny little grocery store in Boulder, Montana and you spy an Owyhee® Idaho Spud in the candy section next to the checkout, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT reach for it. Don't be deceived into thinking its 1970's style wrapper is "retro." In reality it has probably been sitting there on the shelf since then. Don't think "For 69 cents how can I lose?" You can loose, believe me. Don't be fooled by the ingredients that list chocolate and coconut, because it's not an oversized Mounds bar shaped like a potato, it's a hideous abomination of a candy bar filled with only God (and the chemists who mistakenly created it in the lab experiment gone horribly wrong) knows what. And yes, it is really that bad. In fact, for this monstrosity I think I must reference the immortal words of the famous cultural critic known as Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons: Worst candy bar ever. No wonder Idaho is nowhere near famous.

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