Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From Middle Dyott to Parents' Basement

Today marks the end of my stay in the Middle Dyott apartment at the Montana Artists Refuge. I flew from Helena to Denver and then to Pittsburgh where my mom and brother picked me up. I have to say, the past couple days I've been feeling a bit melancholy about leaving Basin. I've met a lot of really, really great people this past month, both other artists and townspeople. I would have liked to have stayed another month-- at least.

It has been incredibly beneficial to have "a room of my own" to just focus on writing for a month. Overall, I'm satisfied with what I accomplished while at the refuge. I think if I could have written more if I would have sacrificed some of my traveling and experiences, but honestly I'm so glad I did everything thing that I did. I have so much more material to write about now too.

Glacier National Park and Yellowstone were truly AMAZING. I highly recommend them to anyone considering going out that way. Glacier is a lot less crowded and it is really breathtaking, but Yellowstone is just a very very special place. It felt like I was wondering through a prehistoric world at times.

A lot has happened since I last posted and I'd like to revisit some of those things, but tonight isn't the night. So there will be at least one more post on this blog.

It's good to be home and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, but I miss the mountains already. I think I have Montana in my blood now.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of Live From the Dental Floss Farm!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome Home Scotty!